
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Pesta tomato diSepanyol

Pesta tahunan perlawanan dengan tomato di Sepanyol. pesta ini bermula disekitar tahun 1940. Pesta ini dipanggil " tomatina" iaitu " perlawanan tomato"
Revellers on a truck throw tomatoes into the crowd during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol

Tomatina splashTomato kissesSquashed tomato battle paints Spanish town red. A man opens a fornt door covered with squashed tomatoesRevelers splatter squashed tomatoes during the annual "Tomatina" fight in BunolA reveler lays in tomato pulp during the annual "Tomatina" tomato fight fiesta in the village of Bunol, near Valencia, Spain, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. Bunol's town hall estimated more than 40,000 peoRevellers on a truck throw tomatoes into the crowd during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of BunolA reveller on a truck throws tomatoes into the crowd during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of BunolRevellers throw tomatoes during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol, near Valencia,Revellers on a truck throw tomatoes into the crowd during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol, near ValenciaRevellers jump in tomato pulp during the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol, near Valencia,A reveller leaves the "battlefield" after the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol, near ValenciaA reveller is covered with tomato pulp after the annual "Tomatina" (tomato fight) in the Mediterranean village of Bunol, near ValenciaPeople pelt each other with tomatoes during the annual "Tomatina" festival in Bunol, eastern SpainPeople pelt each other with tomatoes during the annual "Tomatina" festival in Bunol, eastern SpainThe World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011The World's Biggest Tomato Fight At Tomatina Festival 2011

Kebakaran besar di Texas dan Oklahoma

Musim kemarau, kering dan suhu yang panas menyebabkan mudah berlaku kebakaran di Texas dan Oklahoma. Kebakaran ini memusnahkan 25 buah rumah.
A wildfire roars through dry trees near  Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011.   Texas and Oklahoma are in the grips of a record-setting drought, and a summer of soaring temperatures a

A wildfire roars through dry trees near  Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011.   Texas and Oklahoma are in the grips of a record-setting drought, and a summer of soaring temperatures aA helicopter begins to drop water on a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011.   Texas and Oklahoma are in the grips of a record-setting drought, and a summer of soaring tempAn air tanker drops fire retardant on a hot spot in an area destroyed by a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. (AP Photo/LM Otero)A home destroyed by fire is shown in a area overrun by a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. The wildfire that swept through the neighborhood on Tuesday, one of several bCharred appliances and a fireplace are all that remain of a home in Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011, the day after a wildfire swept through the area. Some streets were virtually uA power line pole and transformer smolder in an area destroyed by a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. The wildfire that swept through the neighborhood on Tuesday, one oSmoke rises from a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011.   Texas and Oklahoma are in the grips of a record-setting drought, and a summer of soaring temperatures and little Smoke rises from a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. The wildfire that swept through the Possum Kingdom Lake neighborhood, one of several burning in Texas and Oklahoma,A helicopter drops water on a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. The wildfire that swept through the Possum Kingdom Lake neighborhood, one of several burning in Texas anA helicopter drops water on a hotspot in a area overrun my a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. The wildfire that swept through the neighborhood on Tuesday, one of severA helicopter moves in to drop water on a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011, the day after it swept through the neighborhood and destroyed 25 homes. (AP Photo/LM Otero)Texas State Trooper Garry Allen stands guard in an area destroyed by a wildfire at Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. (AP Photo/LM Otero)

Kes tembak pelajar: 3 polis ditahan

KUALA LUMPUR – Tiga anggota polis antara enam yang ditahan berhubung kejadian melepaskan tembakan yang mencederakan seorang pelajar kolej swasta di Taman Seri Rampai, Setapak, di sini semalam.
Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Kuala Lumpur, Datuk Ku Chin Wah berkata, ketiga-tiga anggota itu berpangkat Koperal dan Lans Koperal.
"Dua daripada mereka bertugas di Bukit Aman dan seorang lagi di Ibu Pejabat Polis Kontinjen (IPK) Selangor,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini hari ini.
Menurutnya, siasatan awal mendapati kejadian berpunca daripada pergeseran kenderaan, namun siasatan masih lagi dijalankan.
Selain tiga anggota polis itu, tiga lagi yang ditahan semalam adalah rakan mangsa berumur antara 20 dan 27 tahun.
Kesemua suspek ditahan reman sehingga 4 Ogos bagi membantu siasatan. – Bernama, kosmo

Pemberontak Mahu Bunuh Gaddafi Yang Mungkin Masih Di Libya

TRIPOLI: Muammar Gaddafi berkemungkinan masih di Libya dan pemberontak boleh membunuh pemimpin yang digulingkan itu jika beliau tidak menyerahkan diri, demikian menurut pegawai kanan Majlis Peralihan Kebangsaan.
"Saya mempunyai maklumat bahawa kemungkinan besar Gaddafi masih berada di Libya," kata ketua perhubungan tentera, Omar Hariri.
Hariri memberitahu pemberita bahawa Gaddafi berada dalam keadaan di mana beliau tidak berdaya melakukan sebarang ancaman.
Hariri berkata kumpulan pemberontak mengesyaki Gaddafi bersembunyi sama ada di Bani Walid dekat tenggara Tripoli atau di pinggir ibu negara tersebut.
Misi utama kumpulan pemberontak pada masa ini adalah menangkap Gaddafi dengan kumpulan yang mendakwa mereka telah "membebaskan" hampir kesemua kawasan di Libya itu masih berunding dengan kumpulan penyokong setia Gaddafi di kampung halaman pemimpin itu iaitu di Syrte.
"Kami mempunyai hak untuk membunuh Gaddafi," kata pemimpin kanan kumpulan pemberontak, Ahmed Darrad.
"Dia menyeksa kami. Dia merupakan penjenayah dan di seluruh dunia, jika penjenayah tidak menyerah diri, anggota penguatkuasa mempunyai hak untuk membunuhnya."
Lokasi orang kanan rejim Gaddafi termasuklah penasihat keselamatan utama Gaddafi, Ibrahim Senussi, masih tidak diketahui.
Konflik di Libya telah meragut 50,000 nyawa dan bilangan penduduk yang hilang dan cedera adalah berkemungkinan dua kali ganda daripada jumlah tersebut, kata Darrad. -AFP, mstar

Konflik bersenjata burukkan lagi kebuluran di Somalia

MOGADISHU 1 Sept – Kebuluran di Somalia bukan hanya semata-mata disebabkan musim kemarau panjang yang melanda negara itu.
Seorang pensyarah Universiti Antarabangsa Al-Madinah, Sheikh Abdisalam Hussein Mala berkata, kemarau bukan punca utama kebuluran.
Ini kerana majoriti penduduk Somalia merupakan petani dan telah bersedia menghadapi kemarau, namun konflik bersenjata memusnahkan sistem pengairan bawah tanah.
"Mereka mempunyai sistem air bawah tanah, mereka telah melakukannya bertahun-tahun. Jika keadaan di negara ini baik dan tiada peperangan saudara, mereka berupaya untuk menguruskan diri mereka meskipun dilanda musim kemarau,” katanya.
"Malangnya sekarang ini, penduduk terpaksa berpindah akibat peperangan saudara dan mereka tidak boleh bercucuk tanam, dan kemarau ini menambah lagi kepayahan mereka,” kata Sheikh Abdisalam.
Akibatnya, penduduk luar bandar termasuk dari Lower Shabelle, Middle Shabelle, Oddur dan Merca yang kekurangan makanan terpaksa berjalan kaki beratus-ratus kilometer ke Mogadishu dan tinggal di kawasan penempatan sementara di sekitar ibu negara Somalia itu. – Bernama, utusan

Gempa bermagnitud 6.0 gegarkan Kepulauan Santa Cruz

KUALA LUMPUR 1 Sept – Satu gempa bumi kuat dengan kekuatan 6.0 pada skala Richter menggegarkan Kepulauan Santa Cruz, yang merupakan sebahagian daripada Wilayah Temotu, Kepulauan Solomon, pada pukul 2.14 petang ini.
Menurut satu kenyataan Jabatan Meteorologi Malaysia (JMM), pusat gempa bumi itu terletak 5,656km ke tenggara Kunak di Sabah.
Tiada ancaman tsunami kepada Malaysia dan Jabatan Meteorologi sedang memantau perkembangan berkenaan, menurut kenyataan itu. – Bernama, utusan

Juwairiyah, Kaum Penyembah Berhala Yang Menjadi Isteri Rasulullah

Gambar Ilustrasi. (foto:

Parasnya begitu cantik, luas ilmunya dan mulia akhlaknya. Begitulah sejarah Islam melukiskan Juwairiyah binti Al-Harits. Sejatinya, ia bernama Barrah.
Wanita itu berasal dari Bani Musthaliq yang menyembah berhala. Ayahnya, Al-Harits, adalah pemimpin kaumnya yang gemar menyembah patung dan sangat memusuhi Islam.

Burrah sempat menikah dengan seorang pemuda yang bernama Musafi' bin Shafwan. Ayahnya berencana untuk menyerang kaum Muslimin di Madinah.
Bani Musthaliq sangat bernafsu untuk mengalahkan pasukan tentara Islam dan mengambil alih kekuasaan di antara suku-suku Arab. Rencana itupun sampai ke telinga Rasulullah SAW.

Untuk memastikan kabar itu, Nabi SAW lalu menugaskan Buraidah bin Al-Hushaid untuk memastikan kebenaran informasi itu.
Ternyata, rencana penyerangan yang akan dilakukan Bani Musthaliq itu tak sekedar isu melainkan kenyataan. Rasulullah pun menyusun kekuatan dan menyerang terlebih dahulu.

Pertempuran tentara Islam melawan kaum kafir dari Bani Musthaliq itu dikenal sebagai perang Perang Muraisi' dan terjadi pada bulan Sya'ban tahun kelima Hijrah.
Dalam pertempuran itu, umat Islam meraih kemenangan. Pemimpin bani Musthaliq, Al-Harits melarikan diri dari medan peperangan dan suami Barrah tewas terbunuh.

Seluruh penduduk yang selamat, termasuk Barrah menjadi tawanan. Sebagai seorang terpelajar, mengetahui dirinya menjadi tawanan, Barrah mengajukan tawaran untuk membebaskan diri. Ia lalu mencoba bernegosiasi dan meminta bertemu dengan Nabi SAW. Upayanya membuahkan hasil.

"Rasulullah, aku Barrah, putri dari Al Harits. Ayahku adalah pemimpin kaumku. Sekarang aku ditimpa kemalangan dengan menjadi tawanan perang dan jatuh ke tangan Tsabit bin Qais. Ia memang lelaki baik, tidak pernah berlaku buruk padaku. Namun ketika kukatakan aku ingin menebus diri, ia membebaniku dengan sembilan keping emas. Maka kupikir lebih baik minta perlindungan padamu. Tolong, bebaskan aku!" ujarnya.

Nabi SAW berpikir sejenak. Lalu Rasulullah SAW balik bertanya, "Maukah engkau yang lebih baik dari itu?"

Seketika Barrah tercengang dan balik bertanya, "Apakah gerangan itu, wahai Rasulullah?
Lalu Nabi SAW berkata, "Aku tebus dirimu, lalu kunikahi engkau."

Mendengar jawaban Nabi SAW, wajah Barrah pun berubah berseri-seri.

"Baiklah, wahai Rasulul lah," tutur Burdah. Lalu Rasulullah SAW menikahinya dan nama Barrahpun diganti menjadi Juwai riyah.

Seperti diriwayatkan Aisyah RA, kabar pernikahan Rasulullah dan Juwairiyah menyebar cepat di kalangan kaum Muslimin. Secara tak terduga, pernikahan itu menjadi berkah bagi kaum Bani Musthaliq yang tertawan dan menjadi budak. Para sahabat membebaskan semua tawanan yang masih memiliki hu bungan kekerabatan dengan Juwairiyah. (ar/rp)

Wang Bukan Segalanya, 15 Tahun Nenek Ini Bisa Hidup Sendiri Tanpa wang sesen pun

Wang bukan segalanya, dan wang tak bisa membeli kebahagiaan. Bukan teori, kerana Heidemarie Schwermer sukses mempraktikkannya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Tak tanggung-tanggung, nenek 69 tahun ini telah berjaya menjalani hidup tanpa wang selama 15 tahun! Dengan penuh semangat, ia menceritakan bagaimana dia sehat, kaya, dan bahagia kerana memberikan semua wang tunainya 15 tahun yang lalu. Heidemarie Schwermer, bisa buktikan bahwa wang bukan segalanya Heidemarie Schwermer, bisa buktikan bahwa wang bukan segalanya.

Heidemarie keluar dari rumahnya di Dortmund sejak itu. Ia mengelana dari kota ke kota hanya dengan sebuah koper, sebuah ponsel, dan laptop. "Saya membuktikan keyakinan saya bahwa saya dapat hidup tanpa wang. Saya bisa mendapatkan semua yang saya perlukan dengan barter dan mendapatkan hadiah," katanya, yang segera menuangkan pengalamannya itu dalam bukunya, The Star Money Experiment.

Dia bahkan menolak wang muka dari penerbitnya untuk bukunya. "Aku menyuruh mereka untuk memberikannya untuk amal, dengan begitu dapat membuat banyak orang bahagia, bukan hanya satu orang saja," katanya. Heidemarie, seorang janda, meninggalkan rumah yang nyaman di 1996 setelah anak-anaknya mulai meninggalkan rumah dan hidup mandiri. Ia mengaku jengkel oleh perubahan di masyarakatnya, yang disebutkan makin konsumtif dan rakus.

Ia menghidupi dirinya dengan seluruh kemampuan yang ia bisa. Bahkan, ia sempat melancung ke luar negeri, dengan membarter tiket perjalanan dengan imbal jasanya sebagai guru dan psikoterapis. "Saya tidak pernah kekurangan makanan, pakaian atau teman-teman. Saya tak mau hidup saya dibuat stress dengan diperintah oleh wang atau tagihan dan keserakahan. Saya mengalir saja dalam hidup," katanya.

Apa manfaat hidup tanpa wang? Ia mengaku makin sejahtera dan bahagia. "Selama 15 tahun saya hampir tak pernah bertemu doktor. Kini saya sesehat biola," ia berkelakar.

Amerika selepas Taufan Irene

Vermont Transportation Agency workers repair a section of a road in WaitsfieldMuddied trash and household items line a street in Waterbury, VermontWater from the swollen Passaic River pours over the Great Falls in Paterson, N.J., Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. Three days after Hurricane Irene blasted through the state and up the East Coast, there wasThe swollen Passaic River floods River Road in Paterson, N.J., Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011. Three days after Hurricane Irene blasted through the state and up the East Coast, there was little respite for A fallen wooden state park fences is seen on the ground near the Washington MonumentFlood waters from the Passaic River engulf a service station after Hurricane Irene in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets of a residential neighborhood days after Hurricane Irene in Paterson, New JerseyFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets of a residential neighborhood days after Hurricane Irene in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River cover a used car lot in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets of a residential neighborhood days after Hurricane Irene in Paterson, New JerseyFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets of a residential neighborhood days after Hurricane Irene in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River overrun the banks, filling the streets of PatersonFILE - In this file photo taken Aug. 30, 2011, a house rests in mud after it was destroyed by Hurricane Irene Sunday in Pittsfield, Vt. Many homeowners who suffered damage from Tropical Storm Irene wiPeople look at the water falls on the Passaic River in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets in PatersonA worker retrieves items from a factory in the flood waters of the Passaic River days after the passing of Hurricane Irene in PatersonA man takes a photo of a rainbow at the water falls on the Passaic River in PatersonTwo men retrieve documents and computers from their business with a boat on the flooded streets from the waters of the Passaic River in PatersonWorkers retrieve items from a factory as they put sand bags in place in the flood waters of the Passaic River in PatersonA general view of the water falls on the Passaic River in PatersonA woman takes a photo of extremely high waters at the water falls on the Passaic River in PatersonFlood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets, days after Hurricane IreneTravelers walk through doors at the Trenton train station early Monday, Aug. 29, 2011, in Trenton, N.J., without seeing a sign that says there is no train service. New Jersey Transit rail service was Flood waters from the Passaic River fill the streets covering automobiles including a Chevrolet SUV days after Hurricane Irene in Paterson, New JerseyManuel Rodriguez, the superintendent at Triangle Village apartments, ties yellow caution tape to keep children away from flood waters from the Passaic River in the streets in PatersonWater from the Passaic River overruns its banks and floods the streets following Hurricane Irene in PatersonWater from the Passaic River overruns its banks and floods neighborhoods following Hurricane Irene in PatersonWater from the Passaic River is seen flowing over the Great Falls as the river has overrun it's banks and flood following Hurricane Irene in PatersonWater from the Passaic River overruns its banks and floods neighborhoods following Hurricane Irene in PatersonJesery Gonzalez, 5, looks on as water rushes down the Great Falls as the Passaic River neared its cresting point following Hurricane Irene, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, in Paterson, N.J. Many questions facRussell Whaley, 45, stands on a bridge overlooking the Great Falls as the Passaic River neared its cresting point following Hurricane Irene, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, in Paterson, N.J. Many questions faFlood waters from the Passaic River engulf a bridge days after Hurricane Irene in Paterson, New JerseyFlood waters from the Passaic River engulf a bridge days after Hurricane Irene in Paterson, New JerseyZerega's Pizzaria suffered major damage from the flood cause by Tropical Storm Irene, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. Officials say more than a dozen towns in Vermont and at least three in NewWater from the Passaic River overruns its banks and floods the streets following Hurricane Irene in PatersonNew Hampshire Gov. John Lynch meets with officials from the state's Department of Transportation on the Kancamagus Highway that cuts through the White Mountain National Forest, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 201New Hampshire Gov. .John Lynch, among the crowd, meets with officials from the state's Department of Transportation on the Kancamagus Highway that cuts through the White Mountain National Forest, WednMeghan Morrow sweeps mud and debris from what is left of the Windham Spa, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. Officials say more than a dozen towns in Vermont and at least three in New York are cuDamage to the cemetery with uncovered coffins is seen in this aerial view on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Rochester, Vt.  National Guard helicopters rushed food and water Tuesday to a dozen Vermont townsA bridge on Route 73 lies in the river in this aerial view on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Rochester, Vt. All access to the town has been cut off.  National Guard helicopters rushed food and water TuesdaHenry Rhines tries to salvage anything he can from the debris field that was once his home in Columbia, N.C. on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011. A number of houses along U.S. 64 south of Columbia were destroyeContents from a home flooded by Hurricane Irene sit in the front yard with a warning sign, Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2011 in Washingtonville, N.Y. Irene destroyed 500 to 600 homes and thousands of acres of A bridge is out on Route 100 in this aerial view on Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Ludlow, Vt.   National Guard helicopters rushed food and water Tuesday to a dozen Vermont towns cut off by flooding from tIn this aerial photo workers grade an alternate roadbed alongside Route 4 in Mendon, Vt., Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011, washed out by flood waters from Tropical Storm Irene Sunday. Vermont Emergency ManagemSailors move debris from Hurricane Irene at an entrance to Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story in Virginia BeachMichael Lancto digs a drain for water to flow away from his and others houses after Tropical Storm Irene flooded parts of the town, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. Officials say more than a doAntonia Schreiber, owner of the Windham Spa speaks to the Associated Press, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. Officials say more than a dozen towns in Vermont and at least three in New York are Residents of Windham gather at the Center St. Church and Civic Center for a meal prepared by volunteers after Tropical Storm Irene flooded parts of the town, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. OfA car lies in a ditch in front of the Country Store a after being dragged by the Batavia Kill stream after Tropical Storm Irene flooded parts of the town, Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2011 in Windham, N.Y. OfficHandout shows continuing emergency road work on Route 4 in Mendon, VermontHandout shows continuing emergency road work on Route 4 in Mendon, VermontHandout shows a destroyed house in Pittsfield, VermontEmergency provisions have had to be airlifted to dozens of communities stranded by floodwatersResidents walk along Highway 12 after it was destroyed by Hurricane Irene in RodantheA trailer sits on the beach at the North Beach Campground after being washed out by Hurricane Irene, at Cape Hatteras National Seashore in RodantheA man manoeuvres his boat near a rescue team through a flood caused by Hurricane Irene in Wayne, New JerseyResidents walk along Highway 12, the main road that connects Cape Hatteras National Seashore to the main land was destroyed by Hurricane Irene in RodantheTwo Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority trains sit in water on flooded tracks at Trenton train station Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011, in Trenton, N.J., as rains from Hurricane Irene are causingGeoEye handout images show before and after views of Rodanthe following Hurricane Irene
sumber: yahoonews