History Freemason in Malaysia
Major Masonic Events in South East Asia
1765 - Lodge No. 1 Bencoolen warranted.
1772 - 10 February, Marlborough Lodge warranted.
1786 - Founding of Penang.
1791 - Marlborough Lodge renamed “Rising Sun”.
1793 - John Macdonald (son of Flora Macdonald the Jacobite heroine) first
Provincial Grand Master.
1796 - Humanity & Industry Fort Marlborough warranted.
1809 - 6 September, Lodge Neptune, Penang warranted.
1810 - First meeting of Lodge Neptune, Penang.
1811 - Last meeting of Lodge Neptune, Penang.
1812 - Stamford Raffles initiated Lodge Virtutis et Artis Amici, Java.
1813 - Lodge No. 1 Bencoolen erased.
- Humanity and Industry Fort Marlborough erased.
- 5 July, Stamford Raffles raised Lodge de Vriendschap Soerabaya.
1816 - 25 April, Stamford Raffles perfected Chapter La Vertueuse Batavia.
1819 - Lodge Neptune, Penang erased.
- 28 January, Stamford Raffles arrived off Singapore.
- 6 February, Founding of Singapore.
1822 - Lodge Humanity with Courage warranted in Penang.
1824 - Bencoolen handed over to the Dutch by Treaty.
1825 - Lodge Neptune, Penang revived.
1826 - Humanity merged with Neptune.
1845 - 26 February, Lodge Zetland No. 748, Singapore warranted.
- 8 December, First meeting of Lodge Zetland No. 748.
- 15 December, 1st initiate W. J. Napier.
- 15 December, 2nd initiate W. H. Read
1846 - Lodge Zetland renamed “Lodge Zetland in the East”.
- Lodge Neptune Penang dormant
1848 - Bro. James Brooke (Rajah Brooke) visited Lodge Zetland in the East.
1849 - Sir James Brooke joined Lodge Zetland in the East.
- 25 August, Hon. Capt. H. Keppel (Admiral) initiated in
Lodge Zetland in the East.
1850 - 24 May, W. M. of Zetland M. F. Davidson laid the
foundation stone of Horsburgh Light House at the request of
the Governor of the Colony.
- 3 August, Lodge Neptune Penang rewarranted.
1854 - 24 May, Acting W. M. of Zetland W. H. Read laid the
foundation stone of Raffles Lighthouse at the Governor’s request.
1856 - Masonic Hall Esplanade, Singapore, opened.
1858 - 3 April, Lodge Fidelity, Singapore, warranted.
- 5 August, Lodge Fidelity, Singapore, consecrated.
- 4 December, District Grand Lodge constituted.
- 4 December, W. H. Read installed as D.G.M
1862 - 4 June, Lodge Neptune Penang erased.
- 4 June, Sun Lodge erased.
1863 - Lodge Zetland in the East No. 748 renumbered
“Lodge Zetland in the East No. 508″.
1867 - Fidelity united with Lodge Zetland in the East.
- 24 June, Lodge St. George No. 1152 consecrated
1871 - 10 March, Masonic Hall, Kampong Glam, consecrated.
1873 - 29 March, Clyde Terrace Market Corner Stone laid
with Masonic honours.
1875 - 4 December, Royal Prince of Wales Lodge No. 1555 consecrated.
1878 - 27 December, First Masonic Temple built and consecrated in Penang.
1879 - 14 April, Foundation stone of Masonic Hall, Coleman Street laid.
- 27 December, Freemasons’ Hall, Coleman Street consecrated.
1885 - 13 August, Lodge Elupoa, North Borneo warranted.
- 28 December, Colonel Samuel Dunlop installed as D.G.M.
1888 - 2 January, Elupora No. 2106 never constituted. Erased.
- 14 April, Perak Jubilee Lodge No. 2225 consecrated.
- 2 July, Masonic Club, Singapore inaugurated.
1889 - 21 October, Read Lodge, Kuala Lumpur consecrated.
- November, Dunlop Masonic Benevolent Society inaugurated.
- 28 November, Lodge Shadwell Clerke, Penang warranted.
1890 - 2 May, Shadwell Clerke No. 2336 consecrated.
- 3 October, District Grand Lodge elected to membership of Q.C.C.C.
1891 - 1 May, Borneo Lodge of Harmony No. 2403 warranted.
- 13 August, Sir Charles Warren G.C.M.G. installed as D.G.M.
1893 - 3 March, Borneo Lodge No. 2403 constituted.
- 6 November, Foundation stone of Masonic Building in
Kuala Lumpur laid.
1894 - 15 October, Read Masonic Temple, K.L. consecrated.
1895 - Bro. Pavitt installed W.M. of Harmony in Lodge St. George, Singapore.
- 13 June, Sir Charles Mitchell installed as D.G.M.
1896 - Bro. Raffles Flint (nephew of Sir Stamford Raffles) installed as
W.M. of Borneo Lodge of Harmony in Lodge Zetland in the East.
1899 - 19 May, Shadwell Clerke warrant returned.
- 19 May, Borneo Lodge of Harmony No. 2403 erased.
- 7 December, Sir Charles Mitchell D.G.M. died in Singapore.
1902 - 30 January, Zetland held special meeting to welcome
Bro. Admiral Sir. H. Keppel.
- 29 September, Lodge St. Michael No. 2933 consecrated.
1903 - 20 February, W.J. Napierinstalled as D.G.M.
- 16 July, Eastern Gate Lodge No. 2970 consecrated
1906 - 17 May, Founding of Scottish Freemasonry – Scotia No. 1003.
- 21 August, District Grand Chapter constituted.
1907 - 16 April, Kinta Lodge No. 3212, Ipoh, consecrated
1909 - 10 May, Death of W.H. Read C.M.G., P.D.G.M.
- 20 May, Jubilee of District Grand Lodge.
- 24 June, First issue of Pentagram published.
- 9 October, Klang Lodge No. 3369, K.L. consecrated.
1910 - 25 February, F.M. Elliot installed as D.G.M.
- 4 March, Napier Lodge No. 3418 consecrated. 1912
- 6 January, Negri Sembilan Lodge No. 3552, Seramban, consecrated.
- 7 December, Lodge Elliot No. 3557, Malacca, consecrated.
1913 - 6 September, Makepeace Lodge No. 3674, K.L. consecrated. 1914
- 1 August, commencement of First World War.
1915 - 15 February, Mutiny of Indian Troops in Singapore.
Murder of District Grand Secretary.
1916 - 20 October, District Grand Lodge of the Middle East, Scottish. 1918.
- 2 August, Lodge Kedah No. 3830 Sungai Petani consecrated.
- 11 November, Cessation of First World War (Armistice Day)
1919 - 26 July, Johore Royal Lodge No. 3946 consecrated.
1920 - 28 May, W.F. Nutt installed as D.G.M.
1922 - 17 December, Foundation stone of Seramban Masonic Temple
laid by D.G.M.
1923 - 9 January,Foundation stone of Teluk Anson Masonic Temple laid.
- 31 March, Sir Neil Malcolm installed as D.G.M.
1924 - 8 November, P.G. Sprule installed as D.G.M.
1929 - 15 November, Consecration of Penang Masonic Temple by D.G.M.
- 14 December, Foundation stone of Johore Royal Temple laid by D.G.M.
1931 - 10 October, Foundation stone of Tiger Lane Temple, Ipoh
laid by D.G.M.
1932 - 6 February, Johore Utara Lodge No. 5324 consecrated.
1933 - 25 March, Sir George Trimmer installed as D.G.M.
1938 - 28 May, W.H.W Gubbins installed as D.G.M.
1939 - 3 September, Second World War commenced.
1941 - Last pre-war Pentagram published (Vol. XXXI).
1942 - 12 February, Last Masonic meeting held by Lodge Zetland in the East.
- 15 February, Fall of Singapore.
1945 - 15 August, End of Second World War.
- 12 September, Formal surrender of Japanese troops in Singapore.
- 15 September, First Masonic meeting held in Singapore after
the Second World War by Lodge St. Michael.
- December, Centenary of Lodge Zetland in the East.
1947 - 25 January, Baldwyn Lowick installed as D.G.M.
- First post war Pentagram published (War Years’ Edition Vol. XXXII).
1948 - 29 May, Read Temple re-dedicated.
1951 - 26 January, Lodge Kinabalu No. 7047, K.K., consecrated.
- 17 March, Baldwyn Lowick Lodge No. 7004, K.L. consecrated.
1952 - 28 June, Lodge Singapore No. 7178, consecrated.
1954 - 5 June, Founding of Irish Freemasonry in South East Asia
– St. Patrick No. 765.
- 25 September, E.G. Holiday installed as D.G.M.
1956 - 2 May, Stamford Raffles Lodge No. 7444 consecrated.
1957 - 8 August, Horsburgh Lodge No. 7533 consecrated.
- 2 November, Elupora Lodge No. 7545, Sandakan, consecrated.
1958 - 7 December, Centenary of the District Grand Lodge.
1959 - 27 May, Centenary Lodge No. 7629 consecrated.
1960 - 20 February, Sentosa Lodge No. 7661, K.L., consecrated.
1963 - 31 August, Malaysia declared independence.
1964 - 31 October, Beaufort Lodge No. 7989, K.K., consecrated.
- 28 November, Edward Holiday Lodge No. 7997, K.L., consecrated.
1965 - 9 August, Republic of Singapore formed.
1966 - 15 January, Leslie Rayner installed as D.G.M.
1967 - 1 July, Mustapa bin Osman installed as D.G.M.
1973 - 10 February, Fidelity Lodge No. 8469, K.L., consecrated.
1974 - 16 February, Berakas Lodge No. 8560, B.S.B., consecrated.
- 9 November, J.W.Y. Eu installed as D.G.M.
1978 - 14 December, Read Temple, Damansara Road evacuated
because of city development.
1994 - 9 November, J.W.Y. Eu’s 20th Anniversary as D.G.M.
- 3 December, Launch of J.W.Y. Eu Foundation.
- 5 December, J.W.Y. Eu Lodge No. 9572 consecrated.
1995 - 8 March, Berakas Lodge No. 8560 erased.
- 8 December, Sesquicentenary celebration held.
1997 - 9 August, Consecration of Labuan Lodge No. 9652
in Labuan.
2000 - 14 April, Consecration of Table Lodge No. 9717
in Tawau, East Malaysia.
2001 - 15 September, Consecration of Chula Lodge No. 9745
in Bangkok, Thailand
2003 - 31 May, Datuk Dr. Yeoh Poh Hong installed as D.G.M.
- 31 May, Consecration – Sri Damai Lodge No 9768
2004 - 24 May, new temple in Kota Kinabalu dedicated by
the M. W. Pro Grand Master, the Marquess of Northampton.
2004 - July, Consecration of Lodge Light of Siam No. 9791
in Phuket, Thailand.
2006 - 10 June, Consecration Makepeace Chapter No. 3674
in Kuala Lumpur.
2006 - 2 December, Centenary Celebration of District Grand Chapter
in Ipoh, Malaysia.
2007 - 4 June, Consecration of Sentosa Chapter No. 7661
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2008 - 18 October, Laying of Foundation Stone of new Masonic Center
in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
2008 - 6 December, 150th Anniversary Celebration of DGLEA
in Orchid Country Club, Singapore
2008 - 6 December, Appointment of First District Grand Orator
2009 - 19 June, Consecretion of Neptune Lodge No.9849 in Penang
2009 - 5 December, Appointment of First District Grand Mentor
What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry teaches moral lessons and self-knowledge through participation in a progression of allegorical two-part plays, which are learnt by heart and performed within each lodge.
Freemasonry offers its members an approach to life which seeks to reinforce thoughtfulness for others, kindness in the community, honesty in business, courtesy in society and fairness in all things.Members are urged to regard the interests of the family as paramount but importantly Freemasonry also teaches and practises concern for people, care for the less fortunate and help for those in need.People became Freemasons for a variety of reasons, some as the result of family traditions, others upon the introduction of a friend or out of a curiosity to know what it is all about. Those who become active members and who grow in Freemasonry do so principally because they enjoy it. They enjoy the challenges and fellowship that Freemasonry offers. There is more to it, however, than just enjoyment. Participation in the dramatic presentation of moral lessons and in the working of a lodge provides a member with a unique opportunity to learn more about himself and encourages him to live in such a way that he will always be in search of becoming a better man, not better than someone else but better than he himself would otherwise be and therefore an exemplary member of society.
Each Freemason is required to learn and show humility through initiation. Then, by progression through a series of degrees he gains insight into increasingly complex moral and philosophical concepts, and accpets a variety of challenges and responsibilities which are both stimulating and rewarding. The structure and working of the lodge and the sequence of ceremonial events, which are usually followed by social gatherings, offer members a framework for companionship, teamwork, character development and enjoyment of shared experiences.
Freemasonry is not a secret society, but lodge meetings, like meetings of many other social and professional associations, are private occasions open only to members.
Freemasons are encouraged to speak openly about their membership, while remembering that they undertake not to use it for their own or anyone else’s advancement. As members are sometimes the subject of discrimination which may adversely affect their employment or other aspects of their lives, some Freemasons are understandably reticent about discussing their membership. In common with many other national organisations, Grand Lodge neither maintains nor publishes a list of members and will not disclose names or member’s details without their permission.
In circumstances where a conflict of interest might arise or be perceived to exist or when Freemasonry becomes an issue, a Freemason must declare an interest.
The rules and aims of Freemasonry are available to the public. The Masonic Year Book, also available to the public, contains the names of all national office-holders and lists of all lodges with details of their meeting dates and places.
The meeting places and halls used by Freemasons are readily identifiable, are listed in telephone directories and in many areas are used by the local community for activities other than Freemasonry. Freemasons’ Hall in London is open to the public and ‘open days’ are held in many provincial centres.
The rituals and ceremonies used by Freemasons to pass on the principles of Freemasonry to new members were first revealed publicly in 1723. They include the traditional forms of recognition used by Freemasons essentially to prove their identity and qualifications when entering a Masonic meeting. These include handshakes which have been much written about and can scarcely be regarded as truly secret today; for medieval Freemasons, they were the equivalent of a ‘pin number’ restricting access only to qualified members.
Many thousands of books have been written on the subject of Freemasonry and are readily available to the general public. Freemasonry offers spokesmen and briefings for the media and provides talks to interested groups on request. Freemasons are proud of their heritage and happy to share it.
Well we already see that freemason already existing in Malaysia and the organization growth day to day.