Untuk tontonan sahabat-sahabat...
Gambar Syaitan diambil secara tidak sengaja dengan tujuan asal untuk mengambil gambar Gua Hira', tetapi ada sesuatu yang melintas di hadapan... dan inilah hasilnya!
Penipuan JIN GUA HIRA' !!!!
Mesti anda semua ada melihat gambar ini yang dikatakan gambar Jin Gua Hira...
kalau korang nak tau, gambar tu sebenarnya TIPU, HOAX, FRAUD,FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ni gambar sebenar!! Gambar tu bukan gambar Jin pun!! Dan bukan diambil di Gua Hira' pun!!!

Dear brother, I am a Muslim-Turkish journalist from Istanbul. I am mailing you the true story of famous "faked" jinn picture on the net. I catched this famous cave monster from his leg in a show cave near Bristol-England! It is NOT the satan, or jinn, or another bizzare thing. It is only a silly sculpture made by hard-plastic for only touristic attraction and fun. The Muslim world believes this silly joke for years. I was researching the backside of this internet myth for one year and I arrived the truth last December.
haha....sedih nye..dari kcik ag sy msih igt..ckgu sy tnjuk pic ni..katenye dye dpat emel dr kawan...
mse 2,taun 2003..skang 2011..
kau tipu tipu tipu aku lagi..
aku kene tipu tipu lagi..
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