
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Zionist Conspiracy = Anti christ (To destroy christian) and Wahhaby (To destroy Moslem)

by salafytobat
Zionist Conspiracy = Anti christ (To destroy christian) and Wahhaby (To destroy Moslem)

“Zionist yahudi ingin menguasai dunia penghalangnya adalah Islam dan Kristen”
bagai mana yahudi untuk mengalahkan islam dan kristen?
1. Yahudi mengadu islam vs kristen dengan membuat aliran-aliran radikal (spt majelis mujahidin indonesia (wahaby), noordin M top cs (wahaby), taliban (wahaby, taliban/alqaida adalah pendatang yang memecah balah umat islam di afgan dan yang merusak perjuangan suci rakyat afgan melawan penjajah, ia menegakan hukum wahaby bukan hukum islam), dsb.
2. Mengadu sesama umat islam (membuat aliran-aliran sesat seperti wahhaby, islam liberal dsb.)
3. Mengadau sesama kristen (seperti membuat aliran-aliran radikal dalam kristen)
A. Wahhaby symbol (Saudi arabia kingdom or wahhaby kingdom symbol)

from :
An emblem was designed for the elections campaign. It evokes the national symbol of Saudi Arabia and highlights the electoral process as a continuous build up and preservation of the country’s achievements in the field of development.
The campaign also selected a quotation from the address of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz (Chief of wahhaby) in which he called on the citizens to practice the election process as it is a participation in the decision making.

‘Sir’ Fahd – Dapat Penghargaan Inggeris dan BERKALUNG SALIB

Mungkin ramai yang tidak mengetahui yang Kerajaan Arab Saudi berhutang budi dan “body” serta nyawa dengan Empayar British. Ini adalah kerana “berkat” kerjasama dan bantuan Britishlah, maka tertubuhnya Kerajaan Arab Saudi mengikut sunnah Great Britain bersendikan ajaran Wahhabiyyah. Pemimpin-pemimpin Saudi merupakan “loyal servants” bagi Empayar British, dahulu dan sehingga kini, dan kini ditambah pula jadi khadam Amerika dan sekutunya, Bahkan Raja Abdul Aziz menerima gaji bulanan berjumlah 5,000 paun sterling daripada British mulai tahun 1917. Selain daripada itu, Kerajaan British telah menganugerahkan “knighthood” kepada Raja Abdul Aziz, bahkan Raja Fahd pun dapat anugerah tersebut.
Walau apa pun Raja Fahd dah pergi menemui Penciptanya, tetapi kebenaran harus dan perlu diketahui ramai. Hansome tak Fahd dengan berkalungkan pingat salibiyyah di lehernya ? Apa pulak fatwa ulama Wahhabi , kalau orang pakai azimat tentu mereka terus tuduh kafir dan syirik. Kalau pakai salib, nak kata apa ? Kalau tuan-tuan dan puan-puan nak tengok lagi gambar warna kesegakan Raja Fahd dengan pingat kebesarannya boleh carilah buku “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd bin Abdul Aziz”, Guernsey, Channel Islands, 2001, p. 214, karya Dr. Fouad al-Farsy.
Berikut petikan dari buku Dr. Hamid Algar “Wahhabism: A Critical Essay”, mukasurat 38 – 39:-
The first contact was made in 1865, and British subsidies started to flow into the coffers of the Saudi family, in ever growing quantity as World War One grew closer. The relationship fully matured during that war. In 1915, the British signed with the Saudi Ruler of the day, ‘Abd al-’Aziz b. Sa`ud (Ibn Sa`ud), one of those contracts with their underlings that were euphemistically known as “treaties of friendship and cooperation”. Money was, of course, the principal lubricant of friendship and cooperation, and by 1917 the Saudi ruler was receiving five thousand (5,000) pounds a month, not a bad sum for a junior hireling of the British Empire. However, the British also graciously saw fit to confer a knighthood on the champion of Wahhabism. (In later years these formalities continued to be observed; in 1935, ‘Abd al-’Aziz b. Sa`ud was made a Knight of the Order of the Bath. Likewise, when visiting Queen Elizabeth in 1986, King Fahd, “Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,” was photographed with the cruciform insignia of a British knightly order hanging round his neck.)
Allahummashuril Islam wal Muslimin bijaahi Sayyidil Mursalin.
Khutbah Jumaat al-Sheikh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saed Ramadhan al-Bouthi

* Al-Sheikh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Saed Ramadhan al-Bouthi adalah tokoh ulama’ yang tak perlu diperkenalkan lagi dalam dunia Islam hari ini. Kuliah masjidnya di Syria dan merata dunia sentiasa penuh dan melimpah. Beliau pernah datang ke Malaysia beberapa kali dalam beberapa seminar dan acara.
* Ayah beliau, al-Sheikh Mulla Ramadhan, seorang alim yang sangat terkenal di Syria pada zamannya. Anaknya Dr. Taufiq Ramadhan al-Bouthi juga sering ke seluruh dunia untu berdakwah termasuk Malaysia.
* Berkenaan dengan gerakan Wahhabi, beliau mendedahkan bahawa Wahhabi adalah satu gerakan yang dirancang (sebahagiannya) pengasasannya oleh kerajaan British yang pada satu ketika dulu menakluki negara-negara Islam. Lihatlah kandungan khutbahnya pada Hari Jumaat 5 Rejab 1423H bersamaan 5 Sept 2003.
Terjemahan (Bergaris Merah):
“Seluruh dunia mengetahui tentang peranan kerajaan Britain yang memainkan peranan utama dalam memecahbelahkan umat Islam…
Dan aku terpaksa membentangkan kedudukan ini kepada kamu dengan disertakan beberapa nama dan dokumen.
Barangsiapa yang pernah membaca buku “Tujuh Tunggak Pemerintahan” oleh Lawrence, dan membaca dokumen-dokumen yang lain, akan tahu dengan sejelas-jelasnya apa yang aku katakan bahawa Britain telah memainkan peranan utamanya dalam memecah belahkan umat Islam sebelum pihak-pihak yang lain dan mereka telah mewujudkan tiga pasak untuk itu.”
“Pasak pertama: Fahaman al-Qadiyaniyyah, ia adalah pasak yang diwujudkan oleh Britain di India dan kawasan-kawasan sekitarnya.
Pasak kedua: Fahaman al-Babiyyah dan/atau al-Baha’iyyah ia adalah pasak yang diwujudkan oleh Britain di Mesir dan di beberapa penjuru di Asia Tenggara.
Pasak ketiga: Fahaman al-Wahhabiyyah, ia adalah pasak yang diwujudkan oleh Britain di kepulauan Arab, rujuklah kepada sumber yang telah aku nyatakan tadi, untuk kamu mendapatkan pengakuan yang nyata dan berani mengenai perkara ini.”
Muhasabah Diri
Sesiapa yang mengenali Sheikh al-Bouti pasti tidak teragak-teragak dengan kebenaran kenyataan ini.
Adakah rancangan British untuk memecahbelahkan umat Islam dengan ketiga-tiga fahaman ini berjaya? Masing-masing boleh fikir dan jawab
Berdoalah agar kita tidak termasuk ke kancah tipu daya British. Amin.
Yang Saya Maksud Wahabi Aliran Keras
Tidak semua Wahabi, lho. Yang saya maksudkan adalah Wahabi aliran keras. Kelompok ini tidak mau berpartai, karena partai menurutnya kafir.
Wahabi aliran keras. Itu yang dimaksudkan Hendropriyono ketika menyebut habitat Noordin M Top sehingga sulit untuk ditangkap. Kepada Sabili di Jogjakarta, mantan Kepala Badan Intelijen Negara (BIN) itu menjelaskan siapa yang dimaksud dengan Wahabi di balik serangan bom di Indonesia .
Dalam sebuah wawancara di stasiun televisi swasta, Jenderal TNI (Purn) Dr. Ir. Drs. Abdullah Mahmud Hendropriyono SH, SE, MBA, MH menyebut Wahabi, terkait dengan rentetan pemboman yang terjadi di negeri ini. Ketika Sabili mengkonfirmasi wahabi yang dimaksud, Hendro menjelaskan panjang lebar.
“Ketika itu saya ditanya oleh Metro TV tentang teroris, kenapa masih terus terjadi? Saya bilang, selama lingkungan masih ada yang menerima Noordin M Top, maka terorisme akan terus berlangsung. Agama kita, memberi pengertian yang dalam, bahwa tujuan yang baik tidak harus menghalalkan segala cara. Yang rugi, jelas umat Islam dan negara kita sendiri. Karena itu, harus dihentikan. Tujuan baik kalau caranya salah tetap salah.”
Lantas siapa yang dimaksud dengan lingkungan atau habitat Noordin M Top? Dikatakan Hendro, doktrin klasik kita, cuma mengenal dua, yaitu: al mukminin dan al kafirin. Antara al mukminin dan al kafirin itu ada yang dipertajam, dan ada yang memperhalus. “Yang mengkafir-kafirkan sesama Muslim inilah yang saya maksud sebagai habitat. Abu Ghifari, mantan anggota Jamaah Islamiyah (JI) adalah salah satu yang tidak setuju doktrin mengkafir-kafirkan, makanya dia keluar dari JI, tapi bukan berarti dia tidak Islam. Kalau anggota JI punya pendirian seperti dia, Indonesia pasti aman.”
Hendro memberi contoh, Yayasan Muaddib di Cilacap, justru menciptakan masyarakat sendiri. Inilah masyarakat yang menjadi habitat Noordin M Top. Sekarang polisi terus memburu ketua yayasan pesantren itu.

Nasir Abbas

Baca Buku Membongkar “Jamaah Islamiyah”
Menurut Hendro, Noordin M Top punya akses langsung ke Al Qaidah. Karenanya, dunia kecolongan. Usamah bin Ladin dan Aiman Az Zawahir, sudah masuk ke seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia. Begitu JI dikendalikan oleh Abu Rusydan dan Nasir Abbas, organisasi itu mulai moderat.
“Tidak semua Wahabi, lho. Yang saya maksudkan adalah Wahabi aliran keras. Kelompok ini tidak mau berpartai, karena partai menurutnya kafir. Kelompok keras ini beranggapan, dalam Islam tidak ada demokrasi. Menurut saya, setiap negara seyogianya punya filsafat dan ideologinya sendiri. Setelah itu, kita bisa hidup berdampingan secara damai. Tapi kalau mengusung ideologi internasionalisme, tidak bakal ketemu.”
Dikatakan Hendro, bahasa yang digunakan dalam terorisme ternyata terbelah atas dua tata permainan bahasa; mengancam dan berdoa. “Para pelaku terorisme juga mengalami kegagalan kategori, yaitu ketidakmampuan untuk membedakan pengetahuannya sehingga mengakibatkan subjek dan objek terorisme menjadi tak terbatas,” ungkap Hendro yang baru menyandang predikat doktor ilmu filsafat Universitas Gajah Mada (UGM) dan berhasil meraih cumlaude Sabtu lalu (25/7).
Subjek terorisme mempunyai kondisi kejiwaan yang memungkinkan berkembangnya fisik, emosi dan intelektual secara optimal, karena mereka adalah orang normal, buka orang gila. Semua tindak terorisme, termasuk di Indonesia saat ini, adalah implementasi cara berpikir para pelakunya. Terorisme sendiri terjadi akibat ideologi, bukan kepentingan. “Apa yang bisa menghentikan terorisme adalah dengan menghentikan cara berpikir seorang yang berkepribadian terbelah. Kalau itu berhenti, teroris berhenti.”
Terorisme, kata Hendro, terjadi akibat benturan dua filsafat universal dunia, yakni demokrasi yang tidak dilaksanakan secara etis dan fundamentalisme. Selama keduanya belum berubah ke arah yang lebih baik dan menyatu, terorisme akan terus ada.
Diakui Hendro, di antara ideologi itu, ada yang menginginkan liberalisme dan kapitalistik. Sedangkan Islam menginginkan kekhilafahan. Kalau kita ingin perdamaian dunia, maka harus merupakan sintesis dari dua tesis. Sekuler-liberal dengan Islam yang akomodatif-moderat. “Kalau tidak gitu, gak ketemu. Teror dibalas teror gak selesai. Dunia akan terus kecolongan, sebelum kita selesaikan.”
Jadi yang ngebom-ngebom itu Wahabi, begitu? “Wahabi aliran keras lah yang mengakomodir Noordin M Top masih tetap hidup. Apa susahnya mencari Noordin M Top, dia orang Malaysia, logatnya saja kentara bahwa dia bukan orang Indonesia . Makanya lingkungan atau habitatnya harus dibersihkan. Yaitu aliran keras Wahabi yang kawin dengan aliran keras Ikhwanul Muslimin.”
Bukankah Wahabi dengan Ikhwanul Muslimin berbeda? “Ya, akhirnya mengerucut di Al Qaidah. Jadi Usamah itu adalah gabungan salafi, wahabi, ikhwan,” terang Hendropriyono.
Seringkali Wahabi dijadikan stigma terhadap kelompok Islam tertentu. Yang ujung-ujungnya adalah Islamphobi. Menanggapi itu, Hendro mengatakan, “Itu orang nggak ngerti. Apa gunanya kita punya kementrian agama, harusnya diberi penjelasan, apa itu wahabi, salafi, Ikhwanul Muslimin dan Al Qaidah, biar jelas. Kalau yang menjelaskan intelijen, saya disalahin melulu. Capek saya,” ujar lelaki kelahiran Yogyakarta , 7 Mei 1945.
Yang jelas, tudingan Wahabi pernah dilekatkan pada PKS dan ormas Islam lainnya. Mereka tidak terima. “Memang, orang pasti akan bertanya, Wahabi yang mana? Salafi yang mana? Itu sama saja menyebut Jawa yang mana? Sekali lagi, yang saya maksudkan adalah Wahabi aliran keras yang tidak mau berpartai. Kalau ada yang mengikuti demokrasi, mereka akan mengkafirkan. Ini Wahabi yang saya maksud. Orang yang menyebut kafir karena menolak demokrasi, ini harus dibersihin. Terorisme akan hidup terus selama masih ada orang yang suka mengkafirkan!”
Apakah penyebutan Wahabi ini akan menjadi pukat harimau bagi gerakan Islam? Hendro yang mengaku dari kecil sekolah di Muhammadiyah pun juga Wahabi. Tapi, Hendro mengatakan, Muhammadiyah bukan Wahabi yang merusak. “Mereka takut. Kan saya tidak mau pukul rata, saya bukan orang tolol, ini Wahabi yang mana dulu. Yang maksudkan alah wahabi aliran keras. Memang yang lembut bisa menjadi keras. Itulah harus kita bersihin. Sebut saja Muhammadiyah, ada tarik menarik, untuk menjadi Wahabi, ada pula yang ingin menjadi Liberal. Posisi Muhammadiyah pun jadi rebutan ideologi.”
Perkembangan geopolitik global menjadi penyebab lahirnya terorisme global. Tapi tidak harus teror jawabannya, harusnya uswatun hasanah. Teror itu bukan perang. Hendro tidak setuju, dengan memunculkan Wahabi ini akan melemahkan spirit Islam sendiri. “Oh, nggak, bukan begitu. Kita tidak usah bergantung Wahabi. Kita berpedoman pada Al Qur’an dan Hadits. Kenapa kita harus ikut-ikutan yang bukan Nabi. Tujuan baik kalau jalannya salah, keliru.”
Persoalannya bukan hanya di dalam internal umat Islam sendiri, melainkan juga keterlibatan unsur asing. Hendro mengatakan, bukan tidak mungkin, ada keterlibatan CIA. Yang jelas, yang bisa menyelesaikan adalah kita sendiri, bukan orang lain. Sebab, jika dari luar, nambah gak karuan negeri ini.
Menurut Hendro, untuk menghancurkan suatu jaringan ada empat poin yang bisa dilakukan. Pertama, tangkap orang-orang kunci. Kedua, putuskan hubungan. Ketiga pangkas support logistic. Keempat bersihkan lingkungan. Kempat inilah yang akan menghancurkan organisasi. Ketika bom berulangkali terjadi, ada kemirisan yang muncul, umat Islam kembali menjadi kambing hitam. “Itulah yang membuat saya sedih. Makanya sebelum saya mati, mudah-mudahan saya masih bisa melihat Indonesia aman, dan menjadi ummatan wahidah, umat yang bersatu. Umat ini terbelah akibat Noordin M Top.” (sabili)
(Oleh Adhes Satria & Eman Mulyatman)
B. Zionist Anti Christ symbol (Symbol of British King dom)


The Ancient World Powers are discussed in Daniel’s Prophecies
Briefly the four beasts were: a Lion, a Bear, a Leopard with four wings, and a fourth Wild Beast (a Dragon) not corresponding to any actual animal, unusually strong, with large iron teeth, ten horns, and another Little Horn developing, with a Man’s eyes and “a mouth speaking great and boastful things against the Lord.” These four distinct creatures are represented in the following ancient and historical fulfillments of Daniel’s Prophecy. Babylon (the Lion) fell to the Medo-Persian kingdom (The Bear) which, in turn, was ended by the lightning conquest of the Grecian forces (the Leopard) led by Alexander the Great. In a few short years he built an Empire which embraced parts of the Mideast, Asia, Europe, and Britannia, in essence the very first European based Empire to hold such a global position [making Alexander the first European archetype for the future Antichrist]. After Alexander’s death, his generals (the four wings on the Leopard) struggled for control of the Grecian Empire, four of them eventually gaining rulership of different sections. At this time, Israel was fought over by the rival Seleucid and Ptolemaic kingdoms, and Greece eventually ruled over the Holy Land. The Grecian Empire was eventually taken over completely by the new and more powerful Roman Empire (the Wild Beast), as it quickly amassed global dominance being stronger than any before it. As a result and because the Israelites continued to rebel against God and doing his Will, Rome likewise gained full control over the nation of Israel.
In its time, the Roman Empire surpassed all the preceding empires not only in the extent of its domain (covering the entire Mediterranean area and reaching the British Isles) but also in the efficiency of its military machine and power of its application of Roman law to the provinces of its far reaching European empire. Its Pax Romana (Roman peace) was merely a foreshadowing of the yet to be revealed, New World Order of the Ages, that future United Europe whose kingdom is actually called in Scripture the last world empire, yet stronger than any other empire before it (meaning the future European Union will far exceed the power and might of present day America). Rome was also the world’s political instrument in power at the time of Christ’s first advent and so will be in power again, according to prophecy, just before His Return, making its very existence today yet another strong sign we are entering the timeframe when the rest of prophecy is to be fulfilled. There will be a Revival of the Roman/Euro Empire shortly before Christ’s Return at Armageddon. Interestingly, right after the Crucifixtion, it was the ancient Romans who created the necessary port city of Londinium (today’s London), a place where they could land their ships and storm onto the English shore in search of it’s last territorial land grab before Rome’s impending demise, it became the most important trading port from Rome to this new world, this ‘New Rome.’ When Rome did die and eventually broke up into the various European nations, Great Britain, over time, ultimately took the globally dominant position in the world, raising itself up to be the new “Anglo” Roman Empire, better known as the British Empire. This is interesting because Scripture tells us that the Antichrist Prince will be of the Roman Empire, whose power (as we now know) was then given over to London, a Roman city. In other words, what we are quite possibly reading in Daniel 9:26-27 is that the Antichrist is a Prince of London. Interesting also is that the rest of prophecy in Daniel and Revelation describes the Antichrist as a King.
The British Empire became far stronger than ancient Rome ever had, and she ruled the seas and many nations, just as Rome did. What’s really interesting is that the European Union itself, created in 1993, has been patterned exactly after the ancient Roman Empire, including many of the same countries that were under Roman occupation and rule at the time of Christ, just as prophecy stated it would. Furthermore, the specific prophecies in Revelation and Daniel make clear that this all powerful (and still future) United Nations of Europe will return to it’s former glorious power that was Rome. Obviously this must occur after America, the current Rome, is somehow left behind or diminished in power while the rest of the world advances headlong toward the Tribulation (which is the common belief among Chirstian prophecy scholars who agree that America will be destroyed before the coming of the Antichrist allowing the emergence of Europe to take center stage), again, a yet-to-be revealed future time and event to make this possible. As it is determined by the men who control the European Union, America removed as a leading world power will most assuredly prompt the need for another Atlantic nation to take the reigns of global dominance and more openly establish her own rule of law [and Western-Zionist idealogy] throughout the rest of the known world, further solidifying the goals of the Illuminati. One last point of interest here with Europe, the placement of those European nations which attacked Israel (or Jews) before since the time just before Christ, has been Greece (150 BC) then Rome (50 BC-70AD), and more recently, Germany (1939-45). Looking at Greece, Rome, and Germany on a map shows an interesting line of succession all moving increasingly northwest from Israel, each seemingly pointing to the next agressor country in a path leading directly to one nation remaining, Great Britain. Also interesting, if not strange, England appears to be the head (or face) of this European Beast while Italy is the jack boot (or cloven hoof) seemingly about to crush the tiny Semitic nation underfoot.
Antichrist is represented by a single Little Horn admidst older Kings and Kingdoms of history
After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth Beast [Kingdom], dreadful and terrible…I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them a Little Horn, and in this Horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things. I beheld till the Thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, His Throne as fire. I beheld then because of the voice of the great words which the Little Horn spake: I beheld even till the BEAST was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. I saw in the vision one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought Him near before Him. And there was given Him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him: His Dominion is an Everlasting Kingdom which shall never be destroyed. -Daniel Chapter 7
The Antichrist is represented by a Bear in Daniel yet also in the Book of Revelation
Staying with the book of Daniel, let us now compare the similarities between verse 7:5 with 7:24 the Beast…”A BEAR” who subdues three “ribs” or 3 Kingdoms. This suggests that the Antichrist first arrives in either warlike fashion or peacefully places three Kings or Kingdoms quickly under his subjection in a type of annexation. Some have said this to be Scotland, Ireland, and Wales unifying into one Celtic Anglo nation, others see it perfectly fulfilling the Nostradamus prophecy known as Century 8 Quatrain 77. Take careful notice that it is the Angel Gabriel making the interpretation of the vision, simply telling us that the “Little Horn” [Antichrist] in verse 20-21, is symbolized by “the Bear.” In other words, the Antichrist is “The Bear.” Remember, the ancient Celtic word for Bear is Arth-ur. The name Arthur literally means Bear.
REVELATION 13:2 The Beast was like unto a Leopard, and his feet as a BEAR, and the mouth of a Lion ~ The Lion represents the country that this King will come from. The Lion that is the Heraldic and national symbol of England. The Leopard represents his youth contrasted by his absolute global power [like Alexander the Great, who was himself represented by the youthful symbol of the Leopard; quick to conquer]. The name of Philip is taken from his grandfather Prince Philip who is actually from Greece and named after Alexander the Great who also had the middle name of Philip, which could be said that when William becomes King, he quickly becomes a world leader much like Alexander, quick to conquer (as a leopard). Alexander himself conquered much of Asia Minor and Europe before the age of 25 making youth also an attribute of the future Antichrist (the anti-type of ‘a Child shall lead them’). The future Beast will quickly become a voice of reason which the earth certainly is to consider at a time the world is weakened and needs it most (and yet his growing confidence in Kingship will be further emblazoned thru means of a yet unseen guidence upon the realization of an inescapable destiny revealed). The name William itself conjures up another King in England’s violent past of the same name, William the Conqueror. William’s second name Arthur, means Bear, the Once and Future King returned. The fourth ancient empire to rule and referred to as the “Wild Beast,” was Rome, the most fierce of every kingdom before it as it has dual appearances in history, and one of its incarnations has already passed while the future Roman Empire is yet to rise. Currently, the reformed European Commonwealth of Nations known now as the European Union is gaining global power, wealth, and military strength every day that passes. The Bible also depictes a Woman of great iniquity is to ride this Beast. The Scripture’s reference to the Beast of Revelation having the attributes of a Lion, Bear, and Leopard may also contain within it something more than just what is read on face value. I believe the symbology is a code for the Beast’s name…

The Conqueror (The King of England) = LION / Mouth / Speaking / Charismatic Leader
Arthur – King Arthur Pendragon (Celtic, Rome) = BEAR / Feet / Strength / Summer Solstice
Philip – Alexander Philip the Great (Greece) = LEOPARD / Body / Conquering /Youth
Windsor-Wales – Aryan Keltoi (Cain) = RED DRAGON / Spirit / Anglo-Celtic Power
illiam -



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Why Does The Illuminati Eye Infest Christian Churches?
During a visit to a breathtaking, beautiful and ornate Christian cathedral in Lucerne, Switzerland last week, I was taken aback by the sight of something that seemed completely out of context and out of place – a baleful and evil-looking Illuminati eye staring out over a representation of the crucified Jesus. Why do similar depictions infest Christian churches the world over?
The Church of St. Leodegar, popularly called the Hofkirche, in the bustling town of Lucerne in northern Switzerland, was originally built in 735 and the present structure was erected in 1633 in the late Renaissance style. The cathedral’s distinctive twin needles were part of the original structure.
The church is opulently decorated with awe-inspiring golden statues and vibrant paintings depicting stories from the bible.
But when one reaches the front of the church and looks up at a statue of the crucified Jesus, looming over it in a window near the roof is a depiction of a single eye inside a pyramid with yellow and orange sun rays emanating from behind.
This occult symbol is completely not inkeeping with the rest of the style of the church and the cathedral’s literature makes no mention of why it was placed there or what its significance is supposed to be.

CLICK IMAGE FOR ENLARGEMENT. The eye can be seen in the background above the Swiss flag.

Here’s another example of the depiction of the eye in the pyramid that Steve Watson photographed while visiting Piazza del Popolo in Rome this past June.

The video below showcases the Illuminati eye as seen in dozens of churches and cathedrals around the world. The author attributes the eye to a representation of Dajjal or “The Impostor-Christ,” an evil figure in Islamic eschatology who will supposedly return as a false prophet before Judgment Day. According to one description, “It is said that he will have one eye damaged and the other will be working.”

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