
Thursday, May 20, 2010

silibus pengajian konspirasi antarabangsa

Satu perjumpaan rahsia telah diadakan beberapa jam sebelum tahun baru.Satu memo berkenaan perjumpaan rahsia ini telah ditemui terselit di celah-celah buku seorang ahli Lodge bertahap Shriner di Mistis Organization.Antara kandungan memo tersebut ialah:
To: all shriners
From:The Secret Keeper
Date:1 Dis 2008
Subject: Classfied Meeting
The meeting will be held as follows:
Date:31 Dis 2008
Time:9.15 p.m
Place:The Secret Chamber of 1st Order
Tidak diketahui apakah yang dibincangkan oleh mereka di dalam bilik paling terahsia di Mistis Organization itu.Beberapa hari kemudian tersebar maklumat tentang satu silibus sulit yang dipercayai hasil dari pertemuan rahsia tersebut.Silibus yang bertajuk ‘International Conspiracy Studies’ ini adalah silibus yang mungkin akan dikeluarkan di dalam MistisFiles tahun ini.
Berikut adalah sukatan pelajaran bagi subjek ‘International Conspiracy Studies’ yang wajib di ambil oleh para pelatih junior di Mistis Organization.
Subject: International Conspiracy Studies
Credit Hours: 3
Chapter 1: Conspiracy Theory
-Introduction to Conspiracy Theory
-Political-Sociology Research
-Domination and Hegemony
-Hidden and Forbidden Agenda
-The Matrix of Secret
-Ideology Studies
Chapter 2: The Hidden Hand
-Dajjal Al-Masih Al-Muntazhor
-The AntiChrist
-The Origin
-As-Samiri & Azazel
-Master of The Conspiracy
Chapter 3: Secret Societies
-Inner Circle & Brotherhood
-The Knight Templar
-Priory of Sion
-Snake Brotherhood
-Council of Nine
-Order of Skull & Bones
-Further Studies
Chapter 4: Illuminati & Freemasonry
-Origin of Freemasonry
-Kabbalah & Satan Worship
-Secrecy in Freemasonry
-The Illuminati
-The Illumination
-Adam Weishaupt & Modern Illuminati
-Commitee 300
-The Wisdom of Wise Man
Chapter 5: Mindcontrol Studies
-The History of Mindcontrol
-Trauma-based Mindcontrol
-Multiple Personality Disorder
-Satanic Ritual Abuse
-Traumatization & Torture
-Subliminal Message
-Mindcontrol Programming
-Structure of Brain
-Mind Over Matter
-Hypnosis & Drugs
-Electrical & Electronic Devices
-Cult Programming
-The Art of Deceit
-Internal & External Control
Chapter 6: The New World Order
-The All-Seeing Eye
-Global elite
-Master Plan
-Covert Operation
-Shadow Government
-Bohemian Groove
Chapter 7: Global Elite
-The 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
-Rockefeller Empire
-The House of Rothschild
-Trilateral Commision
-Council of Foreign Relation
-The Bilderberg Group
-United Nation
-Federal Reserved System
-The Institute for International Economics
Chapter 8: Mystery Religion
-Sumerian Mystery Religion
-Egyptian Book of The Dead & Their Mystery Religion
-Black Madonna
-Babylon Mystery Religion
-Roman Gods
-Magus of Persian
Chapter 9: Magic & Cult
-Aleister Crowley
-Ordo Templi Orientis
-Satanic Church
-Temple of Set
-The Necronomicon
-Babylonian Magic
-The Magician & Necromancer
-Futher Studies
Chapter 10: American Secret Projects
-Philadelphia Experiment
-Montauk/Rainbow/Phoenix Projects
-Monarch Project
-Operation Paperclip

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