
Sunday, January 16, 2011

[PANAS] WikiLeaks dedah Kekayaan Tun Mahathir, anak & kroni


WikiLeaks Releases Secret Bank Accounts of Mahathir's family and his cronies


The information regarding the Fixed Deposit Accounts of Mahathir's
wife and 3 of his children are as below.
These accounts were opened at an Israeli Singapore-based bank in the
neighboring country of Singapore .
That vast amount of monies could have been derived through the following:
i. Deposited by an agent of the Israeli Government or any other
foreign government.
ii. Derived from various companies of Mahathir's cronies.
iii. Or could be part of the RM1Bil missing from UMNO's account which
Anwar Ibrahim brought up before he was dismissed from UMNO.
Details of accounts are as follow:

Family of Dr. Mahathir:
1. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : AGF-2192-2442- 722-(X)
Amount : USD 4,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 25/06/95
Date of Maturity : 25/06/98
(Maturity continued to 25/06/2001)
(Extension interest agreed upon)
2. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FA-4196-2493- 313 (A)
Amount : USD 8,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 09/06/97
Date of Maturity : 09/06/00

3. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : DD-3919-714- 271-(A)
Amount : USD 5,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 06/12/95
Date of Maturity : 06/12/98

4. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : FB-5614-1499- 515 (C)
Amount : USD 9,800,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/11/97
Date of Maturity : 12/11/2000

5. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : CE-2418-7172- 492 (E)
Amount : USD 5,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 07/03/98
Date of Maturity : 07/03/01

6. Name : Ms Siti Hasmah Bte Mohamed Ali
Post : Wife of Prime Minister
Passport No. : D 173596 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : GB-6921-4212- 712 (F)
Amount : USD 6,650,000.00
Date of opening account : 19/03/95
Date of Maturity : 19/03/98
(Maturity continuity to 19/03/2001)

7. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter ; Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : C-719-418-210 (M)
Amount : USD 13,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 17/06/96
Date of Maturity : 17/06/99

8. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter ; Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
3 years
Account No : F-817-200-11 (C)
Amount : USD 12,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 03/12/96
Date of Maturity : 03/12/99

9. Name : Ms Marina Bte Mahathir
Post : Daughter ; Malaysia AIDS Council President
Passport No. : R 671918 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
5 years
Account No : G-211-922-718- 2 (D)
Amount : USD 15,000,000.00
Date of opening account : 12/07/97
Date of Maturity : 12/07/02
10. Name : Mr Mokhzani Bin Mahathir
Post : Son of Prime Minister
Passport No. : R 719325 (M)
Bank : Israeli National Bank
Type of Account : Fixed Deposit (Foreign Currency)
1 years
Account No : F-3532-3310- 501 (NG)
Amount : USD 15,500,000.00
Date of opening account : 21/09/98
Date of Maturity : 21/09/99
Maklumat terperinci sila klik sumber, di sini.


  1. boleh pecaya ke berita nieh....
    aiyyyyya... knp x sepak dia ke penjara jer lau betul... berkhidmt utk yahudi ke? mn letaknya allah dlm hati manusia yer???

  2. Kalau sangup oerlekeh dan perleceh kawan sensiri sampai macam tu teruk...... entahlah. Rasenye harus juga disemak dan disiasat supay tahu betul ke tidak.

  3. setakat nak wat citer mcm ni, reka2 details ni sume boleh ajer. Kalu citer ni tak betul same2 la kiter subahat memfitnah.

  4. boleh bg detail pasal bank of israel tak,, btol ke wujud bank ni,
    kalo fitnah da kire dpt mkn stik free kat akhirat nnt akhirat nnt

  5. menipu gile la kot...israel pun banned mahathir....serious penipu!
